I’m Back!

I hope you are all doing well!

I have had trouble getting my blog to come up on my laptop for the past week or so but it seems to be working now *fingers crossed.*

I’ve just been doing my thing. I’m still vegan and am having a blast figuring out new ways to eat old comfort foods but in healthier and kinder ways. It’s an adventure that I am quite enjoying! 🙂

School has started and even though it is only Wednesday, I’m getting busy fast. There is reading to be done, lab assignments to be completed and papers to start. It’s all good though because since switching my diet, I no longer feel completely run down and tired all of the time. I actually have energy and have been able to keep in the moment and not thinking about sleep 24/7. It’s a nice change from last year. Who knew diet could make such a difference? I used to eat at the cafeteria at least 3x a week with my friends but I have traded in the school lunches (unhealthy) with lunches from home. Bean and corn burritos, hummus and veggie wraps, fruit and other delicious things have been making appearances in my lunches and I don’t even miss the burgers and fries.

Yay for healthy and mindful eating!


Are you in school? How are you coping with Summer being over? Any promising classes? I’m not going to lie, my course load is looking to be a lot for me but I will manage. It’s mostly the fact that the classes I am taking now are the hardest of the program. I don’t even have my senior project picked out and I need it approved very soon!

Do you tend to concentrate better when you are eating healthier?

Any good sack lunch ideas out there?



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